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    3 thoughts on “Contact us

    1. Following is project called 30 Days of Prayer. I would like to speak to Rev Russell to seek the convention’s support and promotion of the project. To date, the following pastors have signed on:
      Bishop Howell- Shiloh Temple
      Rev. Gallmon- Felowship Baptist
      Rev. McAfee- New Salem
      Revs. Galloway- Liberty Presbyterian
      Rev. Edrin Williams- Sanctuary Covenant
      Rev. Herron- Zion Baptist

      I have a PDF version of the following and stand ready to share My number is 612) 419-7179.

      Our communities are experiencing deep and multi-layered trauma. The devastation of COVID-
      19 combined with the heinous murder of George Floyd to create a perfect pain-storm.
      Neighborhoods have been decimated by the riots, looting and arson. Our nerves have been
      frayed by a 500% increase in gun violence. This has brought us all to a more painful awareness
      of the alienation of our youth and of on-going generational and systemic racism. Healing the
      Heart of Our City is a month-long, collaborative to add a vital spiritual dimension to the
      strategic thinking, policy proposals and investments being considered. Here is the plan we are
      Each day for 30 days a different faith community would host prayer from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
      We would dedicate the first 10 days to Grieving for our city and our own complicity etc., the
      second 10 days to focusing on Openness to the Spirit, and the last 10 days to Praying for a new
      future. This event will attract significant publicity on social media and in the press. For example,
      the opening and invitation to prayer led by the hosting-congregation, along with occasional live
      feeds by the pastor and update videos of participants in real time, would be featured on both
      Instagram and Facebook.
      Leadership Role of the African American Faith Community:
      Given the racial dynamics of the present time, and the opportunity for relevancy and capacity,
      it would be appropriate and healing for the hosting congregations to be African American led. It
      is highly likely that the majority of initial participants will not be African American, so African
      American leadership would encourage the participation of the community that is in greatest
      need of healing and ownership of the healing process. Of course, other congregations would be
      encouraged to partner and provide their full support.
      What Hosts Do:
      The hosting congregation will have leadership and responsibility for the day but could be
      augmented by additional volunteers as needed. Hosts will open and close the event. They will
      provide at least three volunteers who are present at all times to register guests, explain the
      process for prayer and other activities, serve water, and time the prayer sessions. Future
      instructions will be provided upon registration.
      The hosting congregation will be featured on social media for that day, with several real time
      postings. Congregations are asked to encourage fasting (not required) on the day they are
      This 30-day event will be conducted in the East end of Hawthorne Crossings parking lot, at 1010
      West Broadway. We believe it will be very safe, with special attention from the police, local
      intervention and peacekeeping teams, the protection of our numbers, our peaceful agenda, our
      interaction with the community and the premise of our gathering. Ample parking will be
      available at and near the location.
      Start date is Wednesday July 1st, from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM each day, 7 days per week. This
      Wednesday would be an All Comers- Opening Day.
      Prayer Tent
      The tent will be the central focus. It will be installed in the parking lot as the center of prayer, to
      accommodate 6-12 people physically distanced. A space of 8-10 feet will also be established
      between the tent and the rest of the community. The inside of the tent will be organized with
      kneeling, sitting or standing options. Individuals will enter the tent and a prayer chime will
      begin the session of silent prayer, which will last for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The session will
      end with a second chime, and a new group will enter.
      Prayer Board
      A large chalk or white board installed near the prayer tent will give participants an opportunity
      to share what’s in their hearts that day. For the first ten days they will respond to the prompt
      “We grieve for…. (fill in the blank). The next ten days, “We’re open to… (fill in the blank). And
      the final ten days, “We pray for… (fill in the blank). When the board is full, it would be
      photographed and posted on social media, then erased and restarted.
      We are asking you to be a hosting congregation and to share your ideas in response to this
      email. If you can help, we will schedule a Zoom call with you or your representative, to share
      updates and ideas and create solidarity. Because the need is urgent, our plan is to begin on
      Wednesday. A hosting registration link will be emailed to you.
      If you wish to participate or have questions, please call Amani Samuels at 612-619-5008.

    2. Following is project called 30 Days of Prayer. I would like to speak to Rev Russell to seek the convention’s support and promotion of the project among the convention pastors and or helping me to make contact with them. . To date, the following pastors have signed on:
      Bishop Howell- Shiloh Temple
      Rev. Gallmon- Felowship Baptist
      Rev. McAfee- New Salem
      Revs. Galloway- Liberty Presbyterian
      Rev. Edrin Williams- Sanctuary Covenant
      Rev. Herron- Zion Baptist

      I have a PDF version of the following and stand ready to share My number is 612) 419-7179.

      Our communities are experiencing deep and multi-layered trauma. The devastation of COVID-
      19 combined with the heinous murder of George Floyd to create a perfect pain-storm.
      Neighborhoods have been decimated by the riots, looting and arson. Our nerves have been
      frayed by a 500% increase in gun violence. This has brought us all to a more painful awareness
      of the alienation of our youth and of on-going generational and systemic racism. Healing the
      Heart of Our City is a month-long, collaborative to add a vital spiritual dimension to the
      strategic thinking, policy proposals and investments being considered. Here is the plan we are
      Each day for 30 days a different faith community would host prayer from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
      We would dedicate the first 10 days to Grieving for our city and our own complicity etc., the
      second 10 days to focusing on Openness to the Spirit, and the last 10 days to Praying for a new
      future. This event will attract significant publicity on social media and in the press. For example,
      the opening and invitation to prayer led by the hosting-congregation, along with occasional live
      feeds by the pastor and update videos of participants in real time, would be featured on both
      Instagram and Facebook.
      Leadership Role of the African American Faith Community:
      Given the racial dynamics of the present time, and the opportunity for relevancy and capacity,
      it would be appropriate and healing for the hosting congregations to be African American led. It
      is highly likely that the majority of initial participants will not be African American, so African
      American leadership would encourage the participation of the community that is in greatest
      need of healing and ownership of the healing process. Of course, other congregations would be
      encouraged to partner and provide their full support.
      What Hosts Do:
      The hosting congregation will have leadership and responsibility for the day but could be
      augmented by additional volunteers as needed. Hosts will open and close the event. They will
      provide at least three volunteers who are present at all times to register guests, explain the
      process for prayer and other activities, serve water, and time the prayer sessions. Future
      instructions will be provided upon registration.
      The hosting congregation will be featured on social media for that day, with several real time
      postings. Congregations are asked to encourage fasting (not required) on the day they are
      This 30-day event will be conducted in the East end of Hawthorne Crossings parking lot, at 1010
      West Broadway. We believe it will be very safe, with special attention from the police, local
      intervention and peacekeeping teams, the protection of our numbers, our peaceful agenda, our
      interaction with the community and the premise of our gathering. Ample parking will be
      available at and near the location.
      Start date is Wednesday July 1st, from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM each day, 7 days per week. This
      Wednesday would be an All Comers- Opening Day.
      Prayer Tent
      The tent will be the central focus. It will be installed in the parking lot as the center of prayer, to
      accommodate 6-12 people physically distanced. A space of 8-10 feet will also be established
      between the tent and the rest of the community. The inside of the tent will be organized with
      kneeling, sitting or standing options. Individuals will enter the tent and a prayer chime will
      begin the session of silent prayer, which will last for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The session will
      end with a second chime, and a new group will enter.
      Prayer Board
      A large chalk or white board installed near the prayer tent will give participants an opportunity
      to share what’s in their hearts that day. For the first ten days they will respond to the prompt
      “We grieve for…. (fill in the blank). The next ten days, “We’re open to… (fill in the blank). And
      the final ten days, “We pray for… (fill in the blank). When the board is full, it would be
      photographed and posted on social media, then erased and restarted.
      We are asking you to be a hosting congregation and to share your ideas in response to this
      email. If you can help, we will schedule a Zoom call with you or your representative, to share
      updates and ideas and create solidarity. Because the need is urgent, our plan is to begin on
      Wednesday. A hosting registration link will be emailed to you.
      If you wish to participate or have questions, please call Amani Samuels at 612-619-5008.

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